Knowledge Transfer

To guarantee a successful internationalization it’s de rigueur that all stakeholders- especially employees from the competent department- have access to professional knowledge in project management.

Only through a standardized procedure from the start, an honest reporting is mandatory and obstacles can be removed sooner by increasing motivation.

In addition each project requires a technical knowledge transfer- to make sure that after project delivery the business is save.

Following options can be used to create efficient knowledge transfer.

All methods are based on three levels, which correlate with each other.

According to experience stereotyped and single biased information exchange –like static company meetings once a week- aren’t efficient. Knowledge has to be integrated in a company’s operative environment to create long-term und sustainable success.

Contact person

Michael Mueller
Konsul-Smidt-Strasse 8p
28217 Bremen



+49 421 408980-80



+49 421 408980-10